Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Grand Adventure!!!

Today one of our turtules had something of an adventure.
B and i took our three babies out of their tank and put them into a lunch box so that they could get some sun. we then put that box into a deeper tray so they couldn't escape...

.......But escape one did! he managed to get all the way from the spare room to Ryans room without meeting Candy or Rocket. and so, by this stroke of luck, he is still alive.

One day he may tell us of the perils he faced but he likes to keep secrets so maybe not.


Ponyb said...

and another diabolical plot to lay a trip wire mine in the bedroom of ryyarn is foiled.

jess said...

i wouldn't say foiled. for if it's a plot against my darling brother i'm a willing and down-right-helpful ally

Shadow said...

thats right, gang up on ryarn! (can i help!?)

poor turdle =( ma liddle turdles happy now =p big tank setup, with all the sunlight she could get with heated water.. man its so warm to feed her at night, when its less than 6 degrees (air temp) and her water is 24 degrees..

SuperTiph said...

Sure you can help Laura. We should turn all his posters upside down again. And then hide stuff. And then leave stuff that isn't his in its place. And then remove his organs and replace it with stuff, proclaiming, "Lemony fresh victory is mine!!" That would be fun.

rhino said...

pony the trip wire was actually in your room...i mean, FREE COOKIES! ...and FREE HAMBURGERS, THAT WAY-->


jess said...

be gone from this place ryan. you aren't allowed to be knowing the power of our planning

Shadow said...

RAMBURGRARS? im HOPING, ryan, that that was a MAJOR typo and nothing more. if it wasnt a typo, you need to go back to primary school... ha..

Ponyb said...

umm...laura, you mean to say you HAVENT seen the scooby-doo movie??? or at least dont recognise the awesome quote? tis a really really good film.

"is that uhh....melvin doo?"

SuperTiph said...
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SuperTiph said...

Are you kidding? Freddy Prince Jr and Sarah Michelle Gellar, get me a bucket and I'll take anything as a diversion. Why would you waste your time on Scooby Doo? I only watched a little bit and that little bit featured Rowan Atkinson, a respectable actor. You need to get with the program if you don't recognise the following quotes:

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die."
"6 dollars. That's like a dollar an hour!"
"This'll take her breath away" and "Quick! What's the number for 911?"
"He did WHAT in his cup?"
"Why don't fry them up and serve them with chips?"
"Would you like to kiss my lucky egg?"
"He flatters me that's why I help him with Latin"
"My favourtie member is Harpo. Is there a Harpo? If not, there should be."

Now there are some quality flicks for you.

jess said...

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die." - the princess bride
"This'll take her breath away" and "Quick! What's the number for 911?" - the little rascals
"Would you like to kiss my lucky egg?" - cool runnings
i'm really sorry but off the top of my head i don't know the others :-S

SuperTiph said...

Just for those who are curious, Jess' 3 are correct and the others are:

"6 dollars. That's like a dollar an hour!" - Napoleon Dynamite (ugh, you should have got that!)
"He did WHAT in his cup?" - Cars (you should have got that too, MATER said it!!)
"Why don't fry them up and serve them with chips?" - Finding Nemo
"He flatters me that's why I help him with Latin" - Dead Poet's Society
"My favourtie member is Harpo. Is there a Harpo? If not, there should be." - Kung Pow

Now you have no excuse for not knowing which fantastic flicks to see.

Level 3

Luke said...

Okay then. Well I'm going to top this. Go see my blog.

Hey! Word Verification made a cool word!!!


Ponyb said...

i think its time for an...UPDATE!

jess said...

i'll get round to it when i have a spare minute

Ponyb said...

ok, cool. i'll just find all the cool words that word verification asks me to type. thanks or the idea luke! onya buddy!

this one is "httaz"!

Ponyb said...

ahahaha, "aptsy"

Ponyb said...


Ponyb said...


Shadow said...

hzihoomu. rofl.

Shadow said...

kfolt... lol

jess said...

ok! ok!
i updated now stop

wv: isxgn

jess said...

ponyboy please don't make me put a stop to word verification, i don't want to do it!

wv: qrrcjdxo