Monday, November 27, 2006

Jess is BACK!

yes that's right my rabid readers, i have returned from melbourne. i shall now regale you with stories of my time there.

We went for a wedding. Sarah looked stunning and had eyelash enxtentions (they were pretty on the day but scary the day after the wedding. So LONG!!!) the setting was charming. All pretty and green. but it did get cold, very very very cold (well it was cold to a queenslander)

i also spent a day in the city shopping (Of course) and brought many pretty things (i may have a shopping problem) and some silly things aswell. my favorite item that was purchased is a knee length coat. it's black and warm and looks pretty good on (if i may say so myself) but silly Jess lives in queensland and won't get to wear it for another 6 months or so now.

i got to see all my cousins. the little ones are so much bigger now and they keep growing up on me. they've got mobiles, jobs, lives, boyfriends/girlfriends (Scary thought when in my mind they're still 7) they're on learners, and P Plates and in highschool (most of them are finished) and it's all so changed and somehow it's still the same.

anyway must go, there's work to be done ;-)


Ponyb said...

if silly jess lives in queensland, then where is the bright, intelligent, super-duper smart sister of ryan that i know living?!

jess said...

i to guess?

WV: yeesp