Tuesday, May 16, 2006

jelly beans and nothingness

Hey there!
I'm here for a ramble about nothing...When you think about it nothing is really rather interesting. Because there really is nothing. When someone says "there's nothing there" they really mean that there's nothing out of the ordinary there. Because there has to be SOMETHING there. Trees, rocks, bugs, parasites, socks, other items of clothing, bacteria, fungi, spores, dust particles. They're all something!!! So nothing really doesn't exist.
or when someone asks you what you did today and you say "oh, nothing" you didn't really do nothing, you just did nothing of note. You may have spent the day on the couch watching TV, you may have slept, you may have gotten some piece of assessment done, you may have gone to school or uni or work, you may have simply say staring at a wall while you converted oxygen into CO2.
so nothing is a very interesting subject me thinks. Because everything is something. and just because we dismiss it as nothing does not diminish its significance in any way, shape or form.


Jelly beans.

yes i can hear your gasp of surprise and pleasure at my mentioning this wonderful and joyous topic.

jelly beans are a wonderful, magical, and just downright nifty thing. They decorate anything with their colors and their shape (hence why they are called a bean) they taste as good as they look (for the most part) and when you feel down a jelly bean will almost certainly cheer you up with the general delightfulness of it.

personally i like the black ones but i like all jelly beans...Except green, they don't taste as nifty as the others :( neither do the pink, the initial joy of finding a pink on is always swift in departing as the taste registers on your taste buds. Oh why can't they taste as good at they look?!?!?!

until next time my charming chump and chumpets i challenge you to go and do one thing that puts you outside your comfort zone. Hug a tree while wearing your underwear on you head, every time you see someone someone with blond hair point and scream "Oh my GOSH it's barbie!!!!" (see how many people get offended, it's fun), hang a long bit of toilet paper out of the back of your pants and pretend not to notice, ring some random person that you hardly know and say "sorry just letting you know I'm too busy to talk to you right now" or you could always make friends with a telemarketer (they have feelings too)


Noof said...

If there is no nothing, then nothing is nothing.....and therefore nothing does exist.

I'm pretty sure, anyway.

jess said...

yes but isn't there always something in the nothing?

Luke said...

... I'm sorry, the airgap between my ears is having so much information flow between it that I'm beginning to turn into a capacitor.

Luke said...

You know what's freakier? The fact that in the vacuum of space, where there's nothing, you can still send electromagnetic signals through it. Don't ask me why, I'm not an astrophysicist.

Ponyb said...

astrophysics, eh luke? hmm....i shall look into this "astrophysics" you speak of. and maybe i'll look into our milo tin and see how much we have left while im at it. because you see, we keep our milo tin next to our astrophysics tin.

Anonymous said...

So you are possibly the most random person I have ever met. You do realise this, hey?
Love you lots!

Noof said...

Yeah, there is always something in the nothing. Hence, there is no nothing. Therefore, nothing is "nothing". Therefore there is a nothing, because there isn't.

This sounds a lot like postmodernism "there is no absolute truth" which is an absolute truth.

My mind likes going in circles like this.

Ponyb said...

if nothing = nothing
nothing = something

but if something = nothing,
it defeats itself, therefore causing my brain to overload severely and meltdown

jess said...

i'm so glad you all get my point :-P

nothing is confusing